2weeks ago, you already know how to say 'there' and you mean it! You will point to things or places you want to go or refer to n say `there'.
On father's day, 15june, you said loud n clearly, `唔要' instead of '唔嗌'.
I also realized that since last Wednesday or Thursday, 11June, u know how to smile at the camera when we r raising our fone or camera facing u! You r v sensitive n alert to cameras! N your Smile is just like Alanda, The 牛腩面 as 嫲嫲calls it.
Marivic was so sweet n took u to visit 太太 on Friday 13 June while waiting alanda finishing her ballet. You kept feeding 太太 with your 檸檬夾心餅,仲要您一啖太太一啖,及您最鐘意嘅您食食下個舊,攞出再嚟俾太太。kinda disgusting but sooo sweet indeed.